TSM Launch - May 23, 2015

It was good to get out into the fields of Maple Island for the first launch of 2015. The April launch was scrubbed due to weather, but weather looked to cooperate for the May launch. The ceiling was low for most of the day, but fliers welcomed the chance to get some birds up in the sky.

Ron was the first to fly with a very cool looking Bomarc. It was sim'd for a modest 300 feet and looked great taking off. She however came in hot without a chute towards the north and will require some reconstruction to make it back for another flight. A very cool rocket - lets hope this missile gets mended!

Craig K. had Packer Graphics back to fly. She flew on a G64 in a very nice flight to 1500 feet with a 'no powerline landing'! Mr. K also had Partial Mantis out for a flight on a J350. She looked great taking off but at deployment she seperated without a chute and required sadly the shovel of shame. Craig was able to dig her out and I am sure like the Bionic Mantis - she will be rebuilt!

Joe had a neat looking 4 inch MadCow Bat Ray out for a flight. She flew on a J420 Redline and took after the Mantis with similar issues and experienced a 'one hopper' in the west when she landed. Keeping in the MadCow family, Joe also had a V2 by MadCow flying on a H242. Joe took a little grief over the color scheme with the Packeresque motif. Finishing flights for Joe, He also had a low power wildcat, after an igniter issue he got her airborne, but she experienced early deployment.

Craig N. helped the club out with a much lighter weight plank that will stay hidden near the moat. This will help setup and teardown and our ears as well not having to cringe when the old aluminum plank was hoisted up or down on the trailer - much thanks! Craig had one flight at the May launch, his PVC rocket on a AMW J480 blue baboon. She had a great flight up to 5000 feet and came down missing the power lines in the north west.

Scott and Alex flew a Mini BBX on an H128. Alex also flew a very smart looking V2 with filets on the fins to die for. The V2 flew on a I215 redline. The flight was great except the parachute got tangled up and she came in with a rather brisk landing.

Andy spent most of the launch heckling the Prefect for not launching his Level 3 rocket, thankfully the rocket gods scorned Andy and his Bite Me Weinner rocket experienced mystery meat mayhem, or as Andy put it "Yup the second time its boinked its bun and zippered its weinner - yup she can be fixed". Andy also had Big Bertha at the launch and a Black Brant flying on a J420 redline to 3200 feet, the heckled announcer at the range head would not recognize the flight as nice.

It was a very nice day at Maple Island, Thanks to Jan for making a nice lunch fare of Sloppy Joes and also great help from everyone setting up and tearing down....and may the Rocket Gods continue to scorn Andy in the flying months ahead - Amen!