TSM Launch
May 26, 2018

We finally made it out to the fields for 2018 in a year that winter wouldnt end and a year that we saw temps in the 90's at the may launch!

But before the launch, it was cleanup equipment time at the trailer, the work went fairly quick with a good show of support. The folks retreated to Bruno's once the work was done for lunch and then out to the fields.

We thought to do a very limited launch setup leaving the majority of the equipment in the trailer to keep it clean after our hard work. Everyone seemed to like the ease of setup and tear down so we might start adopting that strategy at future launches.

When we made it out to the fields we were suprised to see a Tesla driving around the launch site - after introductions - we met a new rocketeer from the cities named (phonetically) Your-ic.

Craig was first to launch to break in the season with Packer Graphics. Since all of the launch cards where left in the trailer - I dont have many specifics to write in the launch report so it will be from memory and pictures. Packer Graphics went up with its characteristic wiggle and it was a fine flight.

Andy, I believe, was next to launch his banana colored rocket - many people at the rangehead shook their heads in disbelief that Andy would be so heartless to scorn a rocket by painting it banana colored, but sadly, I guess thats the rocketeer he has become - perhaps we can collectively guide Andy with thoughtful rocket colors and he may someday adopt - We can only hope!

Your-ic was the next to launch - as he is seen here holding his handicraft. One of his two flights had issues with the launch lugs but with help from folks at the launch he was able resolve the lug issue.

Scott was at the launch for a fine flight of one of his rockets. Suprisingly most all the flights were great and there were only minor incidents at the launch such as tangled chutes.

Craig had Partial Mantis at the launch - I believe powered by a J350. We were somewhat suprised the Mantis made an appearance before the crops were high - say in 6-8 corn fields.

Richard had his Stretch Aurora out for a flight on a K550 - the altimeter read about 6K+ feet on recovery. The Aurora was a highlight at the May launch - a very cool flight!

It was a warm day at the launch with some very cool clouds on display that afternoon.

Dale had a rocket equiped with onboard video - hopefully we'll get to see some footage. The flight was great

Gary found his way to the rangehead with some 1970's era soviet missile equiped with 16 fins. The landing was a little rough with a tangled chute but when it came back from recovery it didnt look too worse for wear - I think we'll see the Ruskie rocket again.

Ron had his Nike out to the launch, powered by a 20 year old motor - she eventually got off the pad in a spectacular flight - chugging through the grains and spitting out the burning AP.

At the day's end it was a very fun launch for everyone, cleanup was a breeze with the minimalist setup and folks joined in some reverie back at Bruno's for a needed cold refreshment.